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Volunteer for Badminton Denmark Events

Welcome to the exciting world of volunteering
for Badminton Denmark’s events!



Join us at one of the following Events

Signing up as a volunteer for an event can have many benefits, both for you personally and for others as a whole.

You meet new people and have the opportunity to expand your social and professional network, which can lead to long-lasting friendships and professional connections.

We hope it can be motivating and inspiring for you to see the results of the work as a volunteer and how it affects everyone positively. Being a volunteer is a win-win situation where you and we both give on many levels. Whether you are interested in personal development, just want to help, or are looking for new experiences, volunteering at our Events can be great. Being part of something bigger than oneself and making a difference can make sense to everyone.

In addition, you will gain some new valuable experience and you will definitely learn new things and gain insight into different areas that you might not have had access to otherwise. You get close to the athletes and in direct contact with the many officials at large events.

In addition, we naturally make sure that you get the opportunity to watch good badminton, we cover food and drink during your shifts, and you are given a sponsored shirt/cloth that fits your function. And then it’s just really fun to meet a lot of people who want to help make each Event something very special.

We look forward to having you with us!

If you want to read a bit more, please click here.